In software testing life cycle, the third phase is Test Design, in that third phase of STCL Test Scenarios, Test cases and Test Design are created. 

STLC life cycle phase

Many QA peoples often get confused in between Test Scenario and Test Cases and few of them even consider both are same. The output from the Test Scenario is considered as a input to test cases. Few examples are given down. We will discuss each term one by one. Lets start with Test Scenarios.

This Article is on Negative Testing, I will try to explain here all about Negative Testing with some practical examples and sample test cases.Negative testing means testing the application for those condition for which application not meant to be. Like if there is a name text field and that text field should only accept the character as per the requirement then negative testing for this requirement would be entering the digit, special symbols etc.detail negative test cases are given down the article.

We have number of testing types like functional testing, integration testing, smoke & sanity and many more, while writing the test cases for mentioned testing type we need to consider both positive as well as negative aspect of the testing for Application.

So what is the main difference between the positive and negative testing? The answer of this is positive testing means testing the application for positive flow, expected flow, lets take the above mentioned requirement if the requirement is that the name text field only accept the char then positive testing would be entering only character and the negative testing for the same requirement would be entering digit , special symbol, keep it blank etc. I hope you got the difference between both the testing if not by looking below mentioned example you will get better idea..

Earlier we learnt whats is the main concept of uniform random timer, usage of it's different parameters and how to add it in your software load test plan. Now here we will see how to add uniform random timer parallel to requests of your software load test plan and how it will works. Let's see with example.

Equivalence partitioning and Boundary value analysis both the techniques help us to find test data effectively which will almost cover all the test scenarios and its all help us in selection of test cases.

As we all know testing for all possible condition is not possible, if someone try to test software for all the possible condition then it might take more than 2-3 year or even more than that.

Take a example, suppose there is an e-commerce site under test and you are the Tester and one of the requirement of e-commerce site is ”user should get 5% discount on purchasing goods worth rupee 5,000 to 10,000 and if user purchase more than 10,001 then it should get 7% discount”.

After understanding the requirements testers need to write test cases. It is possible to check the discount for each amount ?? think on it. Would you write the test cases as follow ??

Under following condition user should not get any discount
--> check the discount when user purchase a goods of 1 rupee.
--> check the discount when user purchase a goods of 2 rupee.
.up to 
--> check the discount when user purchase a goods of 4999 rupee.

As name suggest, jmeter uniform random timer is used to generate fixed+random amount of time delay between 2 requests in your software load test plan. Jmeter uniform random timer is used when you wants to put some fixed but also some random time delay between 2 requests in your software load test plan. Example : I wants to put minimum delay time 3 seconds and maximum delay time to 10 seconds then i can use uniform random timer in my test plan.

Defect life cycle or bug life cycle is a very important point, each and every tester should know about it. Main target of tester is not only find the bug/ defect in the software but also also keep the track of that bug till its closer. So bug life cycle is a life cycle of bug from its origin to its closer. Origin point is when tester find a bug and closer or closing point is when tester re-retest and close it.
Below shown diagram is a the Bug life Cycle. 

bug life cycle diagram

GUI testing, full form of GUI testing Graphical User Interface. Main focus of GUI testing to test the appearance of the software instead of functional requirements.UI of application a comes first when someone browse to our application the first impression will be based on UI. If it is attractive interactive and easy to use then the visitor stay in our site for longer period. But if our applications UI is poor, miss-aligned, images are broken, buttons links are grayed out, application not conveying anything then visitors feel uncomfortable as soon as possible. UI help a lot to attract the visitors and keep visitor on site for longer period.

The Question is how to perform GUI testing and what do we need to test while performing GUI testing.the following things need to be tested while performing GUI testing.

  • Page content
  • Buttons
  • Menus
  • Icons present on page
  • Pop ups
  • Color
  • Images   

Lets discuss each points.