Showing posts with label Data Driven Testing in webdriver. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Data Driven Testing in webdriver. Show all posts

We have Implemented loadWebBrowser() and  closeWebBrowser() functions In PREVIOUS POST to centralize browser loading activity. Now supposing you wants to run your webdriver  test In any other browser like Google Chrome then how will you do It? Our framework should have some facility to run selenium webdriver  test In your desired browser. Let us do It.


Our core data driven framework creation part Is over In STEP 21. Now this Is the right time to Introduce selenium webdriver In our selenium data driven framework. If you are totally new to selenium webdriver then you must have to visit webdriver tutorials PART 1 and PART 2 pages where you will find the links of very useful tutorials on webdriver.



Prerequisite : All required class files should be created as described In STEP 5.

After creating all required classes under different packages, Now It Is time to create required .xls files. Please note here that this framework will not support .xlsx files but It will support only .xls files so please create only .xls files as described bellow. In our selenium WebDriver software testing Framework, We will

Data driven testing Is most Important topic for all software testing automation tools because you need to provide different set of data In your tests. If you are using selenium IDE software automation testing tool and you wants to perform data driven software testing in your software test then THESE POSTS will helps you. For Selenium Webdriver, Data driven testing using excel file Is very easy. For that you need support of Java Excel API and It Is explained very clearly In THIS POST. Now If you are using TestNG framework for selenium webdriver software testing tool then there Is one another way to perform data driven testing.

Data parameterization in selenium or data driven test is must required thing of any software automation testing tool. If you can not perform data driven testing in any software automation tool then it is biggest drawback of that tool. Till now, Selenium webdriver software automation testing tool has not any built in structure or method to parameterize your test. If you know, we can perform data driven testing using user extension in selenium IDE software testing tool. You can view practical example of selenium IDE parameterization test on THIS ARTICLE POST. To data parameterization in selenium webdriver test, We need support of Java Excel API. First of all, we need to configure eclipse. Configuration steps are as bellow.