We can create different user from JIRA software. Administrator has all rights to create users for particular project. We will learn here how we can do that.
You need to log in first with JIRA administrator. Normal user cannot create another user as he does not have rights to creation.
Create User:
- Navigate to the User Management screen and click on ‘Create User’ button. Here you need to enter Username, password then confirm password. Enter your name and your email where you can get confirmation mail. After wards select group like developers group if you want to add that person in developers group.
Edit User:
- As per the image, we can see that we can create new user. Now if we want to edit this user then we need to navigate to the use management screen again.
- Here select the user which you want to edit. After select the user, you need to click on edit button and update details for that User and save it. Now it will work as per updated one.
Delete User:
- We can also delete the user or deactivate the user. For that you need to navigate on User Management screen again and select the user which you want to delete. Click on delete button of that user and save it.
- But there are several rules for delete a user, if user have given comment on issues or it has changed its priority and status then you cannot delete it. You need to deactivate that user as his record is still in JIRA. For tracking the project we cannot remove all the information which have been posted by him so we can deactivate that user so we can able to see all the details which he have provided team for the project.
Deactivate User:
- After deactivation User will not able to give comments on the issues. JIRA software will not send any mail regarding confirmation or issue posted. He cannot able to create issues and edit the issues.
- If you want to active the user then you can also do it by same step. Go to the User Management screen and select user and click on ‘Activate’ button. Thus, user activate again.
Main point is why we need to create different user. Security is the main point for creating different Users for different software project. JIRA software can create controls for who can see the issues and edit it. It creates different groups and one user will assign to the group.
Thus, that user can see and edit or create the issues for assigned project only.
JIRA software has default permission scheme. It will display when we create projects. It is like pre-conditions of the project.
Below are the key points why we need security in JIRA and how it works.
Log of the Issues :
Here you can find the issues which have been created, which have solved and how many changes have been posted an implemented for a project. Here you must have rights to verify this all things if you are not added on particular group then you can see any changes or another project changes.
Link issues and Mail issue :
With this you can find weather issues are linked or not and how it will link and solved. This all the details JIRA software will send you in a mail. If you are a Part of a group then each member of a group will receive the mail for related project.
Events and Notification :
Events display the status of issues as it is open, close or in progress. According to it, group members can notify the changes of an issue.