Implement Calc Tests In Remaining Three Test Cases Of DDF

We have already Implemented calc summation test In “” test case of our webdriver DDF creation STEP 26. Now, Its time to Implement Calc test In remaining three test cases of our webdriver DDF. We will Implement calc subtraction, multiplication and division tests In ““,  “” and “” test cases respectively In this step.

Prerequisite : All previous steps of Selenium WebDriver DDF creation should be Implemented as listed On THIS PAGE.
What to do In this step
We have already Implemented calc summation test In “” test case. We will do same thing In remaining three test cases but to test calc subtraction, multiplication and division functionality. It will verify that different calc buttons are working fine and are working as per expectation or not. So now, our webdriver test cases will test bellow given functions of calc application.

  • -> To test summation function of calc app.
  • -> To test subtraction function of calc app.
  • -> To test multiplication function of calc app.
  • -> To test division function of calc app.
There Is a bug on number 4 button of calc application. It Is functioning as number 5. So, Wherever we have used 4 In our test data, test case will fail.

Download required files
We have already Implemented summation test In “” test case so no need to download It. Now you have to download modified ““,  “” and “” test case files and modified “SuiteOne.xls” File. Get all these files by downloading bellow given zip folder and replace them with existing files.

Run test

Finally we have Implemented calc test In all 4 test cases of our webdriver data driven framework to test different functions of calc app. In all four different test cases.
Run test from “Shortcut to Run Test.bat” file and view XSLT report on completion of test execution. It will look like bellow.

2 thoughts on “Implement Calc Tests In Remaining Three Test Cases Of DDF

  1. please provide ( Object.Properties Updated )for other 3 test cases, some places you dont have element refference to locate the element in the other 3 test cases….Execution is perfect till 29….screen shots as works well….

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