If you are not aware about how to download and install apache jmeter then you can read my previous post where i have described everything about jmeter installation process. In this post i have described how jmeter record your first software load test plan using jmeter proxy server.
Changing Firefox browser settings for recording jmeter first test plan
First of all, you need to change bellow given settings of Firefox browser for recording software load test script in apache jmeter.
Open Firefox Browser
In Firefox Browser,
- Open Tools -> Options -> Advanced tab -> Network tab -> Settings. It will open connections setting popup.
- Select “Manual Proxy Configuration” radio button.
- Set HTTP Proxy = ‘localhost’ and Port = ’90’
(Note : You can use any other port id at place of ’90’ if it is being used by any other instance. Other ports Example : 8080, 4455, 4445, etc..)
Now your browser connection settings will be looks like bellow.
Jmeter load testing tool settings for recording your first test plan
Start Jmeter tool by running jmeter.bat file. It will open apache jmeter GUI.
- Right click on “Test Plan” element and select Add -> Threads(Users) -> Thread Group. It will add “Thread Group” under “Test Plan”.
- Right click on “Thread Group” element and select Add -> Logic Controller -> Simple Controller
- Right click on “WorkBench” element and select Add -> Non-Test Elements -> HTTP(S) Test Script Recorder. It will add “HTTP(S) Test Script Recorder” under “WorkBench”. It will add jmeter proxy server in your test plan.
- Click on “HTTP(S) Test Script Recorder” element and Set Port = ’90’ and select Target Controller = Thread Group> Simple Controller. Now your jmeter proxy server’s settings are done.
(Note : Here Port id must be same as browser connection setting. We have set Port = ’90’ in browser connection setting so need to set same port in “HTTP(S) Test Script Recorder” settings as bellow image)
Now Your Jmeter GUI settings and other configurations will looks like bellow.
If your all settings are correct as shown in above figure, you are ready for recording your first sample software load test plan script in apache jmeter. Click on “Start” button as shown in above image and then open your application URL in Firefox browser and perform required navigation on it. All your requests will be recorded under “Simple Controller” as bellow.
Click here to read about Running Your First software load test plan Steps in apache jmeter.
12 thoughts on “Performance testing tool jmeter load testing sample test plan recording steps”
Useful article, but you should remove localhost address from "No proxy for" field in browser settings to make JMeter record actions. Also, better exclude static files in JMeter Proxy server.
does the same support in IE
Fantastic & brilliant article post, I was seeing for this information on Google while I found your testing tool information, unquestionably I like your post!
Hello, sorry but I have a problem, i set all browser settings i did all the things u said but when i need to make the HTTP Proxy Server under Work Bench i can only make a HTTP mirror server a HTTP(s) test script recorder and a Property Display. thank you (:
I have the same problem as Karlien. After right click on Workbench and following Add -> Non-Test Elements -> I get three options 1) HTTP Mirror Server 2) HTTP(S) Test Script Recorder 3) Property Display
I can't get HTTP Proxy Server in options.
Even i came across same problem as Sandeep and Karlien…. Plz reply
There is no http proxy server option…Plz reply
use 2) HTTP(S) Test Script Recorder
Hello, i also facing same problem as Karlien Neuhoff. and while proxy server selection i also selected option 'HTTP(s) Test Script Recorder'. but at the end getting error as "Root CA Certificate CN=do not install unless this is your certificate(JMeter Root CA),OU=UserName=admin"
Plz Reply
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Hello, is there any need to change proxy setting?
You hav'nt explained why we are doing a specific step!