Create Workspace And Project For Selenium WebDriver Data Driven Framework


Prerequisite :
1. READ PREVIOUS POST about what Is webdriver data driven framework for software testing.
2. Eclipse Kepler Should Be Downloaded. VIEW THIS POST (Step 2 : Download and install Eclipse) to see from where to download eclipse. I am using Eclipse Kepler.

(Special Note : Please follow each and every step throughout the data driven framework creation for webdriver software testing tool. Don’t skip any step.)

Read more tutorials on selenium WebDriver software automation testing tool @Tutorials Part 1 and @Tutorials Part 2.

Create And Set Workspace :
For creating good structured data driven framework for your selenium webdriver software testing Project, First of all you have to create project work space In your local drive as bellow.

  • Create folder “backup” Inside E: drive
  • Create folder “Training” Inside “backup” Folder.
Now we will store all data driven framework related stuff at “E:backupTraining” folder.
Start “eclipse.exe” from your downloaded eclipse folder and select “E:backupTraining” folder as your work space.
Create New Project
Now create new java project with name = “WDDF”. After new project creation, Your package explorer pane will looks like bellow.
We will use this “WDDF” project for creating selenium webdriver data driven framework.

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