Part 6
26 : Can we automate desktop software application’s testing using selenium WebDriver?
Answer : No. This Is the biggest disadvantage of selenium WebDriver API. We can automate only web and mobile software application’s testing using selenium WebDriver.
Answer : We can use anyone from bellow given two methods to open URL In web browser In selenium webdriver software testing tool.
- driver.get()
- driver.navigate().to()
28 : Can you tell me a difference between driver.get() and driver.navigate() methods?
Answer : Main and mostly used functions of both methods are as bellow.
- driver.get() method Is generally used for Open URL of software web application.
- It will wait till the whole page gets loaded.
- driver.navigate() method Is generally used for navigate to URL of software web application, navigate back, navigate forward, refresh the page.
- It will just navigate to the page but wait not wait till the whole page gets loaded.
29 : WebDriver has built In Object Repository. Correct me If I am wrong.
Answer : No. WebDriver do not have any built In object repository till now. But yes, I am using java .properties file In my framework to store all required element objects In my tests. View Example.
30 : Can you tell me syntax to set browser window size to 800(Width) X 600(Height)?
Answer : We can set browser window size using setSize method of selenium webdriver software testing tool. To set size at 800 X 600, Use bellow given syntax In your test case.
driver.manage().window().setSize(new Dimension(500,500));
2 thoughts on “Latest Selenium Interview Questions With Answers”
Excellent informations brother. Each and every posts are very usefull. Keep it up..
All the best.
Information is really helpful. keep it up