Reporting Bug in Bugzilla

As we have seen that Bugzilla is bug tracking software. Now we will learn how it works. We need to post a bug for a Project or we can post a change also for improvement of our project.
And this will share in team by Bugzilla so now we will learn here how we can report a bug in Bugzilla.

Here in image you can see one button as ‘New’. Just click on it and you will navigate to the page where you need to enter all the information about your bug.
It will be always beneficial for Team if a developer or Tester will provide proper information of a bug to them. Thus, Team can solve it very easily and we can improve the performance of the project and satisfied our customer too.
Infect we can assign our project to our client also, so he can able to see our efforts for his project and get back to the team if he wants anything else.

As per image you need to select a project first in which project you want to post an issue. 
Then select components for the same project. For example if you will have more component for a project as android device or web application then you need to select one component in which you want to post an issue.
Now select version for the same project. If you have developed project in different version then accordingly select version for it.
Select severity for the issues. Decide it by its effectiveness. If it will block the application then select blocker severity or select severity from low, medium or high level. Decide severity level according to the bug.
Now you need to select Hardware. As in which hardware you get that issue. It will help developers to solve issues.
After hardware you need to select Operating system in which you have worked and how you can get the issues?
Then most important part of the procedure is Summary. We need to enter summary for define an issue. It is mandatory field in Bugzilla. It should be mandatory because it is the main head of the issue. It describes all the details about issue. Make sure you will provide all information related to the bug so it will resolve as soon as possible. Give Reproduction step of the issues here. So developer team can reproduced it and solve it.
Next filed is Description, Here you need to enter results. First describe actual result. You can enter actual result as application behaves and then explain Expected result. In which you need to write how application should work and how we can improve its quality by applying the change.
Now attached proper screenshot for you bug. Developer can easily identify bug with the use of screenshot or attach a video which describe the issue properly. Always attach picture or documents which describe your issue, it will proof of your work.
Now you can click on submit button. After clicking on submit button Bugzilla will send you an email on your registered email ID from where you can keep track of your issues. Even Bugzilla will send an email to the entire team who assigned this project so everyone come to know about the issue or Bug.
Bugzilla gives you one more amazing facility to edit your issues. Your posted issues will look like below image.

Here you can see all the information which has been provided by you before you submitted the issue. 

Status of your issue has been displayed here. If developer started work on it then it will have In-
progress status or if issue has been solved then it will have resolved status. Bugzilla also send you a mail if you bug status have been changed.
Once you made change then you need to save it again. You can get a button as ‘Save Changes’ in bottom of the page. You need to click on it then and only then your all changes have been saved. You will get a new mail for the same. All the edited fields have been mentioned in mail.

Thus, we can say that Bugzilla is perfect tool for bug tracking procedure as it informed whole team if smallest change has been applied for a project. 
You can see all the summary of an issues just like below. Here every bug has their ID. You can identify by their Given ID.

This is all about posting an issue in Bugzilla.

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