Showing posts with label Appium Tutorial. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Appium Tutorial. Show all posts

Appium Tutorial : Mobile software application's craze is increasing day by day. Also peoples are converting there current running software web sites in mobile version and creating apps for mobile application software. For testing point of view, It is very important for us to learn mobile's software application automation testing to stay connected with new technology. Appium is mobile application software testing tool which is currently trending in mobile automation testing industry.

Appium Tutorial

36. What is command to start appium from command prompt?
Answer : "node appium" command from node_modules folder of appium will start appium server from command prompt. View start appium from command prompt example.

37. Is it possible to start and stop appium server programmatically?
Answer : Yes we can start appium server programmatically too. I have described two different methods on how to start and stop appium server programmatically. You can describe any one from them. View Method 1 and Method 2.

31. : Which method is used to perform scroll down to text in appium.
Answer : You can use scrollTo() method to scroll till text. View scroll down to text example.

32. : Is it possible to perform multi-touch action in appium test?
Answer : Yes, We can perform multi-touch action action in appium automation test using MultiTouchAction and TouchAction class. We can create touch action chain using MultiTouchAction and TouchAction class. View appium multi-touch action example.

26. : Can you tell me usage of findElements() method?
Answer : We can use findElements() method to get the list of elements from page.
Example : Supposing there are 5 buttons on page with same class name. In this case, We can use findElements() method and provide reference of class name in xpath(Example : findElements(By.xpath("//android.widget.Button"))). So it will return list of all button elements. Then we can use get() method and provide reference of button's index to locate specific button(Example : findElements(By.xpath("//android.widget.Button")).get(0)). View findElements() Example.