How to download jmeter load testing tool - Steps to install jmeter performance testing tool guide

Apache JMeter Introduction
Let me introduce to you about apache jmeter before install jmeter. Apache JMeter is pure Java software application and open source performance testing tool of software web application. Initially it was developed for software web application load testing but now its features are extended and you can use it for measuring performance of server/script/object like HTTP, HTTPS, SOAP, Database, LDAP, JMS and many more. You can use it for measuring performance of network, server or object by simulating heavy load from multiple concurrent virtual users. Jmeter looks like a browser but it is not a browser. Jmater can not perform all those action like executing javascript of HTML page, rendering HTML page of software web application, etc.

jmeter download

Apache JMeter download and installation Prerequisites

Here is the list of Prerequisites to download and install jmeter.

OS (Operating System)
You can run Apache Jmeter on any Operating System like Linux 2.4 and up, Mac OS 10.6.8, Windows XP, Windows 7, etc.. that JVM(Java virtual machine) is compliant. Click here to view more detail on supporting OS

Apache JMeter is pure and pure Java application software so your system must have JRE(Java Runtime Environment). Required JVM version depends on which version of Jmeter you are using. JVM 6 or higher is required to run latest version of Jmeter. You can verify if java software is already installed in your machine in windows using bellow given command in your command prompt.

Check if java installed in your system
java -version

check java version

As shown in above figure, It will show you java version and related detail if it is already installed in your system.

How do i download java
Your next question is "how can i download java software". View THIS POST to know how to download and install Java(JDK).

Apache Jmeter Download - Latest Version In Free

Click here to download latest version of Apache JMeter. Click on link "apache-jmeter-*.*.tgz" or "apache-jmeter-*.*.zip" (Here * represents the latest version number) of the binary section. It will show you popup to download and save file in your system. You can select other mirror sites from "Other mirrors"  drop down if appears any error in Jmeter download.

Starting Jmeter
Jmeter do not require any installation. On completion of download, Extract that .zip or .tgz file in folder. Now open that folder and double click on bin folder located inside main folder. You will find "jmeter.bat" for windows platform and "" for Linux systems. Double click and run that file. It will open Jmeter load testing tool's GUI as shown in bellow given image. Thats it, now you can perform load testing on it.

jmeter download - install

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  1. For Windows better download Oracle's Java and for Linux you can use OpenJDK which is located in most of repositories. Do you know that you can use JMeter not downloading as a cloud load testing?

  2. jmetre.bat file not found

  3. Hello i dont have java skills. so should i start jmeter course.
    or is it java required for this course

    1. No need of java knowledge to learn jmeter..

  4. "Unable to find jarfile " is coming wht to do

  5. after Running jmetre.bat file it shows error of jar file not found ... plz help me with this

  6. Am geeting this error. can you solve this

    Unable to access jarfile ApacheJMeter.jar
    Press any key to continue . . .

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Unable to access jarfile ApacheJMeter.jar
    Press any key to continue . . .

  8. I have installed JAVA successfully, but still getting following error message

    Unable to access jarfile ApacheJMeter.jar
    Press any key to continue . . .

    1. Please check that jave is installed in you system or not

      For more information please go to this link : ""

  9. Hi Lokman,

    It seems to like you have not set java environment variable
    To set that go to this link & follow steps :

  10. Thanks for this it included a vital step that the other sites didn't :)
