Cross Browser Testing

Cross browser testing means testing the application on multiple browser to ensure that our software working as expected on each browser. Because we can’t say that if software is worked fine on one browser it may or may not work fine on other browsers. There may be the issues like particular button is getting  disabled, particular image is broken, content may get misaligned, extra buttons are visible etc. these are the few issues because of these we need to perform the cross browser testing and ensure the software application is working fine across the browser.
Some of you might get this question why do we need to test the software on multiple browser, it’s just a browser if our software worked as expected on one browser then it will surely work on other also? I also know the reason why you may got the question. We all know how browsers works. If not let’s look in short.

All its works on client/ server model. Server is a place where information stored. Client is nothing but a browsers like internet explorer, Firefox, chrome and many more this are the web clients which we need to installed on our PC. The browser means client send the request for the particular information to the server, this requested information is nothing but the users query. Then server send the requested information back to the browser and browser simply displays it for the user.
All the browsers works on similar fashion. The information browsers displays are sent from the server and server send same information for all the browser when requested for same query on different browser. But each browsers are developed in a unique why, each browsers have their unique feature and short cuts. For the example. Chrome is developed in python, C++ language whereas Firefox is developed in C/C++, JavaScript, CSS, XBL, XUl etc. chrome support the flash player and Firefox need to add extra plug in for flash support. Chrome has a fast in rendering and executing the JavaScript. So each browser are developed in different way so obviously they are going to work in different way.
so web application may show some issues on different browsers, for example if we have used java script in our web application then it would be noticeable that our application loading speed in chrome may be the faster than other browser because chrome has a capability to execute the JavaScript fast.
What type of issues may come when we browse our web application in different browsers?

  • Buttons : some button may get disabled.
  • Images : some images may get broken or hidden.
  • Layout : layout may get messed, even color can be different in different browsers.
  • Pop Up window : in some application there is popup windows / pop up error msg. in some browser those pop up will not come.
  • Content : content get may misaligned.
  • Validation support : text field validation may not work on any particular browser.
  • Functionality : functionality related issues can also be come.

These are the few issues which can found out in cross browser testing.
How to perform cross browser testing? For that find the check list given below which will help you to do better cross browser testing.

  • Check all the validation on all the browsers (css, html, jQuery validations)
  • Check all the images on all the browsers.
  • Check all the pages.
  • Check the layout on the browsers.
  • Check page styles in all the browsers.
  • Check Pop ups in all the browsers.
  • Check all the buttons in all the browsers.
  • Check Date formats in all pages on all browsers.
  • Check font styles in all the browsers.
  • Check the header and footer sections in all the browsers.
  • Check all the pop up messages on all the browsers.
  • Check entered information on the pages are properly getting saved in Database.

This check list can be help for you. And all the browsers does not mean to test on each and every browser available on the internet. Testing on famous or popular browser it enough. And it is also depends on the clients requirements. And one more important thing is browser versions. Chrome, Firefox etc. are provides frequent browser updates. We may encounter with an issue inA newer or older version of browser. Make sure to test the web application on latest and as well as on some older version of browser.
There are many cross browser testing tools available on the internet. Some of them are paid and some of them are free. Few of them are listed below.

  1. Microsoft Super Preview : this is free tool. And helpful for layout testing.
  2. IE Testers : this is free. You can test software on different IE versions.
  3. IE NetRender : this is free and provides similar feature like IE testers.
  4. BrowserShots : free and one of the best tool which can help you to test on different browsers as well as on different OS.
  5. BroserLing : this one is paid. Helpful to test the web application on different browsers.
  6. BrowserCam : this one is paid. Helpful to test application on different browser as well as on different OS.
  7. Browsera : this one is paid. And helpful to test the application and application elements on different browsers.

These are the few cross browser testing tools, there are many more tools available on the internet.

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