Defect Life Cycle

In Last article, we have seen that how bug can be arise while developing a software. Now in this article, we will discus about ‘Bug Life Cycle’. Bug life cycle starts when bug will be arise in software testing phase. After completing one cycle, we may insure that posted bug will not be re-produced again. Bug will have different status in bug life cycle. We will see this in detail.

Defect Life Cycle

Below are the steps for bug life cycle.
  1. New 
  2. Assigned 
  3. Open
  4. Fixed
  5. In progress to QA
  6. Retest
  7. Verified 
  8. Closed
  9. Duplicate
  10. Reopen
  11. Rejected
  12. Not a Bug

This all are the different stages of bug life cycle. Now we will understand about each of them. Lets take one by one declination.

  1. New : As we know this is the fist stage of bug life cycle. When bug arise, a tester have to post a bug, at that time its status is mark as ‘New’.
  2. Assigned : As we have know that there are different kind of bug can be arise in application like UI, Functional, Integration, database related etc. When bug is arise,  lead needs to approve the same then it may assign to respected developer team to solve. Thus, When defect is assigned to the associate developer then that bug will mark as assigned status and assigner name will be displayed there. For more specification we can mark this status as ‘Assign to Developer’.
  3. Open : This status will be marked when developer has been started working on bug but it have not been resolved yet. It means that bug is approved and it needs to solved at that time status of bug is ‘Open’.
  4. Fixed : This status will be marked when bug will be resolved by developer team and assign to a tester to verify the bug. Code changes and Unit testing have been done by developer team then it can be assigned back to the testers team and they have to start verify the bug after fixing the bug only. For more specification we can mark this status as ‘Release to QA’.
  5. In Progress to QA: This status can be assigned when developer have resolved the bug but it is pending from tester side. Here when tester will start on working the bug at that time they can assign ‘In Progress To QA’ status so tester leader can recognize that how many bugs are there in progress or under working status.
  6. Reset : This status can be assigned when some code changes have been assigned to a tester but that code changes will not work and bug is reproduced again then this status is assigned to the bug.
  7. Verified : When bug is verified by testers and it will be ensured that bug will not be reproduced again in software then tester can be mark that bug as ‘Verified’. Once bug will be assigned as verified it means all integration with software also verified and bug have been fixed properly and it will not affect in any other part of software as well. 
  8. Closed : If bug will not exist for long time in the software and bug have been verified by a tester then that bug can be mark as ‘Closed’.
  9. Duplicate : When there are huge application and more than one tester will work together at that time it may possible that bug have been posted twice. At that time if developer feels that bug is duplicate then they can mark it as ‘Duplicate’. Here they needs to mention another ticket number which is same.
  10. Reopen : This status have been assigned when a tester get that bug in software again and it is not resolved properly. When bug is reproduced in software then a tester can ‘Reopen’ the bug. Thus, developer team have to work on it again and again need to fixed it.
  11. Rejected : This status have been assigned to a bug when developer team feels that the posted bug is not genuine so the status of bug will be changed as ‘Rejected’.
  12. Not a Bug : Not a bug means If after delivering the product If client ask for small changed for look and fill then it will not be considered as bug. It must be marked as ‘Not a Bug’ status but it must be resolved  and tested as per the new requirement of the client.  

This all are the different status of software bug cycle. Once the ‘Closed’ status have been assigned to a bug then it will be the end of the bug. 

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