June 18, 2013click command, pause command, selenium ide, verification commands, verifyNotVisible Command, verifyVisible Command Selenium “verifyVisible” and “verifyNotVisible” commands with sample example Using “verifyVisible” and “verifyNotVisible” commands in selenium Sometimes during running the script, you need to verify that specified element on the page is visible […]
November 13, 2012Mouse Commands, mouseOut Command, mouseOutAndWait Command, mouseOver Command, mouseOverAndWait Command, pause command, selenium ide Use of “mouseOver”, “mouseOut”, “mouseOverAndWait” and “mouseOutAndWait” commands in selenium IDE You can use mouseOver and mouseOut command when your targeted software web page element has effect on mouse over and mouse out. Targeted element […]
November 7, 2012pause command, refresh command, selenium ide, Waitfor Commands, waitForPageToLoad command “pause”, “refresh” and “waitForPageToLoad” commands in selenium IDE “pause” Command “pause” command is simple wait command and useful for stop execution of selenium IDE software automation testing tool for given […]