First of all please look at THIS POST where I have described difference between label and value in drop down or list box. Don't get confused from these two words. Selenium IDE has many assertion commands and all of them are designed for different purpose. Here i am going to describe you "assertSelectedLabels"
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Showing posts with label Assertion Commands. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Assertion Commands. Show all posts
Selenium IDE "assertSelectedId" and "assertSelectedIds" Commands With Example
Most of all software web applications contains list box or drop downs on web page and "assertSelectedId" and "assertSelectedIds" commands are very useful to verify and assert the ids of selected label/s from list box. Both these are very good alternatives of "assertSelectedIndex", "assertSelectedIndexes",
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assertSelectedId Command,
assertSelectedIds Command,
selenium ide,
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Selenium IDE Example Tutorial On "assertNotSelectedIndexes" and "assertNotSelectedIndex"
In Selenium IDE, "assertNotSelectedIndexes" and "assertNotSelectedIndex" commands are nearest same. Both are working with drop down or list box of software web application page. If you knows how to use "assertNotSelectedLabel" and "assertNotSelectedLabels" commands then it will be very easy for you
Selenium IDE - When to use "assertNotElementWidth" and "assertNotElementHeight" Commands
We have already seen examples of "assertElementHeight" and "assertElementWidth" commands. In those examples, we have seen that "assertElementHeight" and "assertElementWidth" commands will pass if expected and actual height or width of element will match. Else it will fail and return error message and
Selenium IDE Tutorials - "assertConfirmationNotPresent" and "assertConfirmationPresent" Example
My all tutorials on Selenium IDE are with practical examples and you can view all command examples on Example Page -1 and Example Page -2. Let me describe you 2 more selenium IDE commands which are related to confirmation message. We have already seen how to use
Selenium IDE "assertTable" and "assertNotTable" Command Examples
Selenium IDE has too many assertion commands and "assertTable" and "assertNotTable" are the part of them. "assertTable" and "assertNotTable" are useful to for table data assertion. Both are working opposite to each other. Both are looking for targeted text in to specified cell address. Based on the command, if
"verifyNotAlert" and "assertNotAlert" Commands With Examples In Selenium IDE
"verifyNotAlert" and "assertNotAlert" are assertion commands of selenium IDE. Both are works opposite to "verifyAlert" and "assertAlert" commands. First of all you look at example of "verifyAlert" and "assertAlert" Commands and then execute bellow given example to understand actual function of
Selenium IDE - Difference between "assertSelectedLabel" and "assertSelectedValue" Commands
Both "assertSelectedLabel" and "assertSelectedValue" are selenium IDE assertion commands. Both are working with list box and drop down. Some people thinking that both of them are same and i also received some requests from my blog reader to describe the difference between both of them. So, Let me try here to show you clear difference between both these commands.
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Assertion Commands,
assertSelectedLabel Command,
assertSelectedValue Command,
selenium ide
Selenium IDE "verifyConfirmation" and "assertConfirmation" Command Examples
Before reading this post about "verifyConfirmation" and "assertConfirmation" Command example, you must have to look at other verification Command and Assertion Command examples. "verifyConfirmation" and "assertConfirmation" both are working with confirmation message generated during previous action by selenium IDE. Click here to read - difference between "assert" and "verify" in selenium with examples. Let me describe "verifyConfirmation" and "assertConfirmation" commands with examples.
How to use selenium IDE assertion "assertNotText" and "assertNotValue" commands
Selenium IDE has many assertion commands to verify the presence of text, value, alert, confirmation, button, link, amny many more. You can Visit this page to look at all the assertion commands with example. "assertNotText" and "assertNotValue" commands are one of them and i am
Selenium IDE - How "assertNotSelectedLabel" and "assertNotSelectedLabels" commands works
"assertNotSelectedLabel" and "assertNotSelectedLabels" are very useful assertions in selenium IDE software for drop down and list box type elements. However you can look at other related commands examples on this Link. As you know, If any of the above assert command will fail, selenium IDE will stop
Selenium IDE "verifyOrdered" and "assertOrdered" Commands Example
"verifyOrdered" and "assertOrdered" commands in selenium IDE are provided to verify the element's sort order of same parent node on software web application page. It will check sort order of element in ascending order. Look in to bellow given image.
How to use "assertSomethingSelected" and "assertNotSomethingSelected" commands in selenium IDE
"assertSelectOptions" and "assertNotSelectOptions" commands are useful to assert that required values in list box are selected or not. Few days back, I had posted article with good working example of "assertSelectOptions" and "assertNotSelectOptions". "assertSomethingSelected"
Use of "assertSelectOptions" and "assertNotSelectOptions" Commands in Selenium IDE
As you know, there are many assertions commands available in selenium IDE. You can view list of assertion commands with example tutorial if you wish."assertSelectOptions" and "assertNotSelectOptions" commands are part of selenium IDE assertions and you can use them with drop down or list box of your software application page to assert the values inside it. I posted examples of 2 related
Selenium IDE Tutorial For "assertSelectedIndex" And "assertSelectedIndexes"
There are many tutorial posts available related to selenium IDE assert commands to use them in your software web application regression test case. Let we discuss two more assertion commands - "assertSelectedIndex" And "assertSelectedIndexes". Both of these are working with single select or multi-
"assertVisible" and "assertNotVisible" Commands Example For Selenium IDE
"assertVisible" and "assertNotVisible" Commands frequently used commands in selenium IDE if you are using selenium IDE for your software web application regression testing. Both "assertVisible" and "assertNotVisible" commands are useful to check element visibility on application software page.You can use
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assertNotVisible Command,
assertVisible Command,
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Selenium IDE "verifyNotLocation" and "assertNotLocation" Commands with examples
"verifyNotLocation" and "assertNotLocation" Commands works in opposite way of "verifyLocation" and "assertLocation" commands in selenium IDE software. All four commands are assertion commands in selenium IDE and useful for verification of current web page URL verification. Let me explain both
Selenium IDE "assertAlertNotPresent" and "assertAlertPresent" commands examples
"assertAlertNotPresent" and "assertAlertPresent" are assertion commands of selenium IDE. Both are works with alert box appears when you take some action. Both works opposite to each other as assertion. Both these commands are completely different than "assertAlert" and "assertNotAlert" commands. Let me
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assertAlertPresent Command,
Assertion Commands,
selenium ide
Selenium IDE "assertElementHeight" and "assertElementWidth" commands with examples
"assertElementHeight" and "assertElementWidth" are assertion commands and useful to verify and assert if expected height and with don't match with actual height and width of element on software application page. I posted article about "storeElementHeight" and "storeElementWidth" before and described how
Selenium IDE "verifyValue" and "assertValue" commands use with Example
In Selenium IDE, "verifyValue" and "assertValue" commands are used with check box or radio button elements. As name suggests, Both are used only for verification of check box or radio button's ON/OFF(Check/Unchecked) status. Only difference between "verifyValue" and "assertValue" command is
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