ISTQB - Software Validation Procedure

In last article, we have seen the verification procedure of software testing. Now lets move to the validation procedure. In this procedure we need to compile the application and need to check that all the requirements are fulfilled. Each and Every functions of the application must be working properly.
Goal of validation is not connect with organization of user need. 

Validation process will be performed after the validation process of an application. Thus, we can say that after completing the development procedure only we can start validation. Validation is done at the end of the development phase.

Validation will give the answer of a question like, Am I building a right product?. IF any data is required then am I using the proper data for my application. This answer have been given by validation procedure.

It is High level activity as all the possible result have been generated after applying validation procedure. For Example, 8 character password must be entered by user while doing registration for bank. This is the actual requirement, Now in validation scenario, we need to check that If user will enter 7 characters then application must display a validation message on screen as ‘8 characters are required to get login.’ Here user is right at his place as he wants to enter 7 character password but to make more secure application it have been developed as user have to enter 8 characters only. Otherwise they should not be able to login. For more security, Now a days special characters and number can be included in password. Now in validation process, a tester have to verify different scenarios like, Enter less than or greater than 8 characters in password filed, Enter password without numbers, enter password without special characters etc. This all are negative scenarios. For this all scenario, application should display a validation message on screen as ‘Password is incorrect.’. This is called validation procedure for an application.

With the validation process integration of one module to another module will be done properly. While compilation of any application, we need to enter data and this data must be remain same for different module of same application. If it will be changed automatically while integration then it will be a high priority bug. For example, a banking application will have many modules but it is necessary that each module should be integrated with same account number only. If any user wants to get data from different module then account number should be entered by him once only and that may be remain same till the logout. All the information should be displayed correctly for that account.

Correctness of an application will be validate in this procedure. Thus, all the need of end user will be covered. Even CMM(Capability Maturity Model) have define that validation process should be performed after the development of the application.
ISTQB - Software Validation Procedure

In verification process, application can be approved with only paper work and discussion while in validation process this does not happened. Some requirements are discussed in verification process but after developing the same requirement will leads to the failure or not suitable for integration. This may detect in validation procedure. All the specifications and requirements have been displayed on paper already but while implementing same functionality, product will not work as per the requirements. Output of the product or application will not be accepted. Critical bug may found in validation process. This is all about validation procedure.

Advantages of Validation Process:
  1. Sometimes it may happen that bug can not be identified in verification process but in validation process it will be detected then afterwards it needs to be resolved then and only then a build will be delivered to the client.
  2. In verification process, some requirements may be misunderstood by the team so after developing the application actual result will not be the same as expected result. This will be detect in validation process.
  3. Validation process can be done in testing phase of software development life cycle. While doing integration testing, Functional Testing, Performance Testing, UI Testing, Load testing, Compatibility Testing, stress testing etc.
  4. Client will be satisfied after applying validation procedure for an application. As user’s requirements will be validate here.

Validation procedure will be done by testers only. It may help testers to get actual idea about the application and every functionality will be understood by the testing team which increased the acceptability of the product or application.

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