July 3, 2013close Command, Select commands, selectPopUp Command, selectPopUpAndWait Command, selenium ide, Waitfor Commands, waitForPageToLoad command selenium IDE “selectPopUpAndWait” and “Close” commands with example Selenium IDE is very useful regression testing tool in software industry. Selenium IDE has many built in commands and you can also […]
July 2, 2013deselectPopUp Command, Select commands, selectPopUp Command, selectWindow Command, selenium ide, verifyTextPresent Command, Waitfor Commands, waitForTextPresent Command selenium “selectPopUp” example – selenium ide “deselectPopUp” command example “selectPopUp” command “selectPopUp” command works same as “selectWindow“ command. Sometimes when you click on link then it is opening new window popup. […]
March 21, 2013Adding Listeners in Test Plan, deselectPopUp Command, Select commands, selectPopUp Command, selectWindow Command, selenium ide, Waitfor Commands, waitForPopUp Command How to use “selectWindow” and “waitForPopUp” Commands example in selenium “waitForPopUp” Command Remember one thing that selenium IDE software automation testing tool can handle only one window at a time. When you […]